Oh look, it's Friday the 13th. What you gonna do.
bvdub - Yours Are Stories Of Sadness
I've listened to this one a lot. It's an album full of deeply melancholy instrumental vignettes, some of which could be longer, but all of which are deeply heartfelt. They're all inspired by a specific moment of personal recollection, and that really comes across.
PRG/M - Assioma Geometrico
Just one track to preview here but it's ace. It's a driving syncopated techno track, very much dark room and occasional strobe flash material.
NYZ made one of my favourite albums of last year in DRN4, so it's a shame I put off listening to this one until now. While DRN4 was a solid barrage of noise, this one features strange synth globs and incessant white noise and hiss, experimenting with various different sounds and machines. I don't know the ins and outs. I like 'FM80Pcellular' the most. There is some grinding noise too.
Queen Kopetzky - Horsenames
Fort Evil Fruit put out a few great tapes at the end of 2016 (I'm going to be playing some Anders Brørby on my next radio show) and this is one of them. Queen Kopetzky, named after an auditory processing disorder characterised by difficulty in hearing speech in the presence of background noise, is a collaboration between Guy Purssell and Thomas Pujols (aka Nebulo). Given the title it's a suitably confused and unnerving listen, with scorched synths and effects burying delicately fragrant melodies.
SoundCloud Playlist
Crack Mix 130 - Resom
The really excellent Resom crafts a wonderful mix for Crack. It starts with bug-eyed slow-mo techno that builds through the nightmarish electro styles of Helena Hauff, passing by some bright house before closing with unsettled poetry from Beans.
50 years of sleep - st louis blues
This is some gloomy stuff. Southern guitar twang over dank spoken word, it's pretty harrowing. It's a guy called Aidan Flaherty in the US. Sounds Irish though.
Temple - Yasmine Ixe _Mix 4
Superb mix of alien sounds from the shadowy Yasmine Ixe. Thanks to Cindy for the tip. It's a side of music that's largely unfamiliar to me, 80s synth oddities/body music etc.
The Creatrix - Deep Holodeck
This track feels like it's an hour-long but is barely five minutes. I mean that in a good way of course. Something you sit into that carries you to another world in a moment.
arc - passage
This one was discovered via The Creatrix actually. A long, slowly building drone piece that's similar in its escapism but actually lasts about 12 minutes.
Moving Still - Placid Saturn
Irish artist Jamal Sul is Moving Still, and this is a really lovely ambient track he shared recently, a kind of billowing organ-led trip into happier times. Well, it's joyous without being cloying or saccharine, and ambient without dank horror. A welcome change.
Sorry about the lack of show last week, I was pretty run down and couldn't face the drive to the studio, let alone doing a show. I'll have a replacement spot on Jan 22.