I've been thinking about a mission statement. What to put in it. This isn't the 'best' music this week, but it's damn good. I like it and I hope you do too.
JRM - Signals_ (Side A / Side B)
This one comes from an unknown artist on a label called Tingo Tongo Tapes. Not sure what that's about. Tabs Out Tapes said they put out tapes "the way a blender without its lid issues smoothies", which is a fantastic analogy. The release is from an unknown artist called JRM and features a particularly vibrant brand of dub techno, as implausible as that sounds.
Great Ghost - Telmex Beach
I came across this by way of a show from DJ Voices on The Lot Radio. It's a beautiful release, described as "a euphoric ambient journey". I couldn't really put it better myself. It's nearly half an hour, which is a decent length for a four-track EP. There are shades of Laurie Spiegel in the urgent arpeggios of 'Untitled33', while 'Alien Hotel Del Mar' is a more melancholic affair.
Manja Ristić - The Nightfall (teaser)
Another ambient-type entry, this is a teaser for an album where each track is inspired by a haiku. There's no suggestion in this teaser as to what the tracks are called, what the poems are, so we just have the music to enjoy. Scratchy overtones, deep breathing, drifting bells, floating sounds, delicate plucks. I look forward to hearing the work in its entirety, and fully engaging with the overall creative impulse behind it.
Pépe - Inflexion (Point Thereof)
What a delicious banger we have here from Pépe! Wonderfully expressive synths float in full stretch above percussion with a crunch that's seemingly incongruous — but it works. It's almost like Palms Trax trying electro, but it's brimming with its creator's own character and ingenuity. The whole release, which is out next month on Renascence, is a delight.
beta librae - Hypnotic Spa Live Set
Here we have a superb live set from beta librae, a 40-minute excursion into floating electronic sounds that tickle your brain and soothe your ears. It was recorded at Hypnotic Spa, a gathering that currently takes place in a venue called Mood Ring in Brooklyn. The event is "a monthly evening of DJ-presented ambient zen and left-field stress-defying sonic-alignment featuring local DJs and musicians", all of which I find thoroughly cool. The set here is gorgeous and gloopy, a fascinating insight into this artist's work away from the (excellent) club music we regularly hear from her.
Odeko - Rose Tinted Vision Implant
Finally, some music that intersects with my day job (at a magazine for ophthalmologists). Out on Gobstopper today, it's Odeko's debut album. It jumps from genre to genre, opening with ominous post-grime sounds before moving into Yamaneko-esque beauty, funky house, rnb instrumentals, scuzzy, robotic dance jams, dubby two-step (no seriously) and more. It's not too serious, yet still manages to incorporate real, weighty emotion alongside some dainty frivolity.
qualchan. - one hundred years.
This tape from qualchan. features "synthesizers, field recordings, & tape loops". Its two tracks are brimming with ideas, short pieces drifting in and out of focus before fading into another wonderful idea. It's like a teaser for an album, yet it is the album. The ideas are new age ambient, murky noise, soundtrack ambience — it's almost as if the artist took an edition of Bandcloud and distilled its various components into one release. With great success, might I add.
VA - Backyard Bxss Season 1 (smth savant)
New compilation from smth savant, the collective/label set up by Kilamanzego and Madam Data last year. It's headsy and beatsy, focusing on marginalised voices in Philadelphia. Madam Data's own 'Luminosity #10' is particularly arresting, all floating bleeps and rattling drums, while John Morrison's 'R.I.P. La Tazza' feels like a hazy take on 10cc. Mental Jewelry's 'Formalhaut B' is even murkier than Sim Hutchins (check his new album, by the way) in the best way possible, lending further smudge to this already foggy comp.
I just started Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca. I don't know about you, but every time I hear or read that name I think of Sean Paul's 'Get Busy'.