Good day. Last week the mail looked pretty horrendous, with errant code flying everywhere. Hopefully this week things will be back to normal. Slightly truncated edition this week, however, as I’ve been quite busy.
Actress took a series of extracts from Carmen Villain’s recent Only Love From Now On album and created an eight-minute remix. Coupled with that is a new track from Villain entitled “A Year Ago”, one that features broken samples that never had a home until now. Some of the samples within are apparently a few years old, so the title is a nice nod to that. It’s crunchy and delicate, smudged and sincere.
This album comes with its own backstory, the artwork representing an imagined city that is the last inhabited by humans. The music is appropriately forlorn, full of sorrowful energy and crackles that could be small fires or distant footsteps.
I genuinely can’t keep up with the work of Jonathan Deasy, the Irish artist who records as KNOWING and Quiet Clapping, to name a few of his aliases. While some of his work is minimal in the extreme, requiring deep focus and headphones, this release for Rusted Tone is rougher, more expansive, I might say. It feels like a fitting accompaniment to the artwork, a beautiful painting of landscape filled with trees and fog. The sounds in ‘A Vague Memory’ are of scorched guitar sounds that ebb and flow, with slight wavers here and there, stretched out impossibly. ‘Auvergne’, meanwhile, is more delicate, yet equally hazy, with soft ambient tones rather than raucous guitar. Each track unfurls across 20-odd minutes, so it’s really something to appreciate.
Step 1: picture a giant swarm of mosquitoes.
Step 2: imagine all those mosquitoes are earthquakes.
Step 3: get in contact with Somnoroase Păsărele, because your brain keeps breaking at step 2.
I really don’t know what to add to that. The music is characteristically unhinged.
Bingo: KS! - Guest Mix For Richard, Clyde Built Radio, 9 June 2022
Jack Murphy of Knowing Something! turns in a wonderful guest mix for Richard Chater’s show on Clyde Built Radio. It features electro from Dopplereffekt, smudged electronica, what might be some sort of 80s house/pop mixup slowed down massively, it’s hard to tell but I do enjoy who the tracklist features several iterations of “Nonsense I made for the show”.
Wicked pumping sounds on Nous’klaer Audio from Konduku. The title track in particular is as colourful as anything from Dozzy.
Quite a lovely album that’s somewhere between pop and ambient.
Another super album, moving between bright and colourful ideas and more earthly moments. There are lumbering half-step numbers with weighty, breathy tones, blissful vistas that give way to soaring arpeggios. It’s great.