Chloe Frieda has been behind the various facets of Alien Jams since it started as a radio show on NTS in 2011, broadcasting every Sunday from 5-6pm. Last year Alien Jams the label kicked off with a wonderful realese from oMMM called 'Parallel Lines Converge'. I included it in Bandcloud 20, not saying much other than that I couldn't stop listening to it, closing the entry with "JUST BUY IT".
On top of that Chloe runs events under the Linear Space banner with our friend DEBONAIR, recently hosting incredible such artists as Karen Gwyer, HOLOVR, An Trinse and Rosen.
She's put together a wonderful mix for us here, dancing superbly from dank techno and vibrant house to crunching electro, all underpinned by a skyward-leaning mood fitting her chosen moniker.