Hello and welcome to part two of Bandcloud's now annual collation of lists from friends, artists, DJs and writers. Not much for me to add here — enjoy!
Anastasia Kristensen
Best DJ attributes according to Anastasia Kristensen's Mum
My mum sometimes sees my itineraries and she always comments on something in it:
Best Itinerary Description: Unsound Festival
Best Event Name: Techno Interests Me
The city she wanted most photos from: Edinburgh!
Ben UFO (Hessle Audio, Rinse FM)
Top 3 Records On Lovely Music
David Behrman – On The Other Ocean
Pauline Oliveros – Accordion & Voice
Jon Hassell – Vernal Equinox
Ellll (Gash Collective)
Good things (and one gross thing) from 2017:
Aleksi Perälä - Simulation - Clone Basement Series
1800haightstreet - Endless - Lobster Theremin
Peverelist - Tessallations - Livity Sound
Tzusing - 東方不敗 - L.I.E.S
5 years of No Corner - No Corner
Light of Consciousness - Phormix Records
NH V/A Vol. 2 - Nervous Horizons
Most rinsed club bangers that I loved so much I can’t play any more (time heals all wounds):
Cassegrain - Trappist (The Mover Remix) - ARCS - 03
Hodge & Peder Mannerfelt - All my Love - PMHO001
Isabella - Ominate - PMVA 001
Most fun radio mix that got me psyched on life:
Mumdance b2b Pinch - 12th September - RinseFM
Fav thing from December that deserves its own category:
Rroxymore - Thoughts of an Introvert Pt.1 - Don’t be Afraid
Fav record to do a facemask* to:
Masahiro Sugaya - Music from Alejo
Fav show I watched:
Yuri on Ice
Fav food I ate:
Rice bowl (see Yuri on Ice).
Grossest drink I drank:
Aperol Spritz (gross, don’t drink this)
*Pro tip — store facemasks in the fridge for ultimate relaxation.
11 brilliant DJs I found out about in 2017
NB. My gigging schedule this year didn’t really leave me with much free time to go out to clubs Just For Fun, but I feel like I played with so many really great DJs this year — many of whom I’m embarrassed not to already have known — that I could put together a list of these alone. Which is (mostly) what this is.
Eris Drew
Kiernan Laveaux (especially this mix)
Sleepy G
Pic by Kasia Zacharko
Tony Poland (Boiler Room)
Tony Poland’s ‘submitted far too early’ Best of 2017 list
The most joyful 12 minutes of music in 2017:
LNS & DJ Sotofett - “Jugando Con Fuego (Club Mix)” (Wania)
Favourite album of 2017 hardest to articulate the reasons I love it:
Teresa Winter - Untitled Death (The Death of Rave)
Favourite album of 2017 consisting of mythical early 2000’s acetates:
Shinichi Atobe - From The Heart, It's A Start, A Work Of Art (DDS)
Favourite album of 2017 which actually came out last year:
Daniel Schmidt And The Berkeley Gamelan - In My Arms Many Flowers (Recital)
Favourite album I heard this year that probably won’t be out until 2019:
Young Echo - TBC (Young Echo Records)
Favourite album of 2017 that was weirdly slept on despite being the sort of ambient new age snake charmer that normally tickles everyone’s fancy:
Vera Dvale & Psykovarius – Udu (Sex Tags Amfibia)
Album released in December I am looking forward to most diving into fully in 2018:
RAMZi - Pèse-Piton (12th Isle)
Record label I got happily sidetracked buying up the back-catalogue of instead of dropping money on new records in 2017:
Artist whose house I was most envious of when I went to interview them in 2017:
Karen Gwyer
Favourite JR Seaton alias in 2017:
Ondo Mudd
Favourite music industry doggo:
Magic Wire’s bull terrier Colin
Most impressive DJ I saw in 2017:
Jayson Wynters for mixing killer electro on vinyl like a fckn boss and giving zero attention to idiotic track requests.
Most impressive DJ I didn’t see in 2017 but whose online/physical mixes were special/unique each and every time:
Silvia Kastel
Favourite live performance I saw in 2017:
Wolf Eyes vs Jamal Moss at New River Studios
2017 Live Performance I wish I saw in a dark basement club full of people on gurners rather than Cafe Oto:
Favourite new producer discovery of 2017:
Upsammy — shouts to Abel V!
The ‘FRAK!!!!’ award for band most satisfying to tweet about in all caps and exclamation marks in 2017:
Artist with best track titles in 2017:
Shared honours for Equiknoxx and Cru Servers
Artist I wish would moonlight as voice-overs for audio-books:
Shared honours for Chester Giles and Paleo Logos
Best Moustache of 2017:
Charles Drakeford