Hi. Lots of words this week.
Bobby Draino & D. Tiffany - Arctic Travel
This split release/collab comes on the wonderfully named Normals Welcome label. Bobby and D have collaborated on several occasions before — the Chrome Split tape for 1080p, with D recording as Xophie Xweetland, and Smoke Tape, (also 1080p), with Bobby as Journeymann Trax. This 12" features just three tracks — a collab and two solo jawns, one from each artist — and it's groovy as heck.
yullippe - Retouch
Osaka-based yullippe is behind this unsettling release. The instrumental is key for me, although the late appearance of ghostly vocals on the second version lend a chill as they sit eerily behind the track's deft sludge.
Druuna Jaguar + Phantasm Nocturnes - Speculative Realism
Not for the faint of heart! This is noisy and dark. It's a collaboration between two experimental artists, one Portuguese, one American, and the blurb talks of collapsing corpses and invisible shadows. "Death is freedom," it proclaims. Indeed.
elizabeth veldon - easter 1916 +100
Elizabeth Veldon features sporadically in these mails, but her work-rate is astonishing. Every other day I get an update that she's popped something new on Bandcamp. This piece is intriguing to me specifically, however, as it's an outsider's perspective on the centenary of the Easter Rising, which was celebrated in Ireland last week. The first track is a 20-minute drone passage named after a line from the poem Easter 1916 by WB Yeats. Veldon's reading of the poem makes up the second track — her Scottish lilt rendering the poem anew for my ears, so accustomed to hearing it in school or on television recited by an Irish voice. The final piece is another drone, interpolating another line from Yeats, stating that "we will name the four hundred and eighty five dead", all those on any side that died in the Rising. The poem's ambivalence and confusion rings true for me a century on regarding the recent displays in Dublin.
Aquarium - planetaquarium
Shouts to Timmy Chunks for alerting me to this. It's a lovely 20-minute sequence of blissful ambience from Aquarium, who dropped that lush 12" for Natural Sciences
BKV 003 Jay Glass Dubs - Glacial Dancehall
Wonky effects-laden dancehall at the wrong speed. I'll freely admit that I'm very green when it comes to this side of things but this sounds stellar.
DISCWOMAN 02 x dhra
The latest DISCWOMAN mix comes from San Francisco's dhra. It's a thrilling bosh-fest, heavy techno throughout, breaking down spectacularly towards the end with the excellent 'Black Swallower' from Divided on Project 13.
ML177: Chloe Frieda (Alien Jams)
Chloe goes in for Mitamine Lab. No tracklist, but can you detect what's new and what's old? Are there unreleased Alien Jams in there? Her taste is impeccable, that's really all that matters. Crunchy bangers and loopy cuts and more.
Vaskular - Meta (Sano Remix)
Cómeme's Sano tackles Meta, a track by Vaskular on Chile's Discos Pegaos. The original featured on the same comp as Valesuchi's 'Wake Up (For You!)', but this is a tad slower and dirtier. Sultry. Think that sweet spot between warm-up and full-on party.
j o h n o - A Good Turn
This track from Dublin's Johno seems to be a wee jam recorded last Easter Sunday. Pithy as that may be, it's a hefty track with scorching acid and expansive synths.
And in a new development, you can find all the above in this handy playlist!
For the record, Yeats was a creep.