Kashya - We Are All We Have Now, We Are All We'll Ever Need
The above picture of Niagara Falls accompanies this release, a selection of ambient tracks that are "best experienced through headphones at night", according to their creator. Sadly, all I get is earphone (1) in the mid-morning, but who's complaining.
VA - bblisss
Huerco S. and some pals have done a really lovely ambient tape, with everything from languid, foggy soundscapes to floating melodies and the gentlest of beats.
DJ Haram - Birds of Paradise
A single track from rising star DJ Haram. Rattles and cheap horns, with so much reverb and space it feels both expansive and claustrophobic. Banger.
Clone 334 - Spira.utatio.me.rive
This is a noise and drone and ambient album made with a rubbish tablet and a bunch of free synth apps, proving that you can make anything with anything. More than just an experiment, it sounds properly great.
SoundCloud Playlist
Sam Kidel - Hope @ Telepathic Fish 1993 Mix
Absolutely gorgeous mix, in which Sam Kidel goes back to the early 90s, a remix of other ambient mixes from that time. He was inspired by mattress parties in squats and other such informal events, at which Mixmaster Morris encouraged attendees to "sit down and be counted". Read more here. Big thanks to Rhythmic Theory for alerting me to it.
Kelela - Gomenasai (Gage Remix)
A previously unreleased remix from last year, Gage puts his mechanical stomp over Kelela's perfect r&b vocals, his post-club grime (?) lending her aggressive style even further heft. A perfect pairing.
Rezzett – Doyce
They never fail, those Rezzett lads. The opening twangs take me back to 'Shudder', and just like that one runs into 'King of Snake', 'Doyce' kicks into muffled rattles of drums.
Bored Young Adults – Shy Dancers On Bungalowdorf Beach
It's a double helping of triple-T this week, with Bankhead also introducing us to Bored Young Adults, a new project from Blawan. It's deeper than some of his previous work, more spacious sounds and unctuous bass, less buzz-saw shake.
Chihei Hatakeyama - I Am A Cat
Japanese artist and mastering engineer Chihei Hatakeyama blesses us with this gorgeous piece, 13 minutes of drifting bliss. It's part of a new release called Grace, the title track of which is a lengthier 49 minutes. Zone out.
Davachi/Smith live on Katharsis (CJSW) June 26, 2016
Sara Davachi and Richard Smith live on Calgary's CJSW from the end of last month. At least I think it's a live thing? The accompanying link has a list of tracks played, but this seems like a single track in itself. Half an hour of modulated drone. Lovely.
I want to say something meaningful but the words won't come.