Sup. The week started well. If you didn't catch it, I provided a guest mix for Tristan Bath's excellent Spool's Out radio show on London's Resonance 104.4fm. Full details here. You may recognise a lot of the music, it's nearly all stuff I've shared here. At the time of writing, the show was #7 in Mixcloud's Noise chart, which is pretty neat.
Celer - Cold Traps
This is some archival material from Celer, who was inspired to investigate Arctic expedition documentaries a few hot summers past. The result is strangely beautiful, despite the horrors he described watching (attacks by the twin terrors of loneliness and polar bears).
Repeated Viewing - The Three Sisters (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
This is the soundtrack to my friend Dáire's upcoming release, The Three Sisters. We studied film together, and it was his partly his influence that led me to investigate giallo. I can't say I've given it nearly enough attention, but anyway. This is suitably dank and horrific. You may well not like it, and maybe that's the point. It's not Chekhov, I'll tell you that much. I quite like 'She Hears Him', 'He's Here' and 'Resistance', on first listen.
Marconi Union - Departures
Really quite beautiful ambient album this. I'd never heard of Marconi Union before this popped up on Chemical Tapes, but apparently they've an intriguing history. Most interesting is their development of 'Weightless', an eight-minute track that helped induce a 65pc reduction in anxiety and brought test subjects' resting pulse rate to 35pc of its usual rate. Departuresremains untested, but it's quite lovely all the same.
Sound Awakener - Be Whole
Wonderful noise three-tracker from Vietnam. Ebb and flow isn't even right, it's more like harsh and harsher.
FADER Mix: Throwing Shade
Throwing Shade put together a load of her own tracks in hoping to "take the listener on a cosmic journey". It's a trip, reconstructed pop and rnb, slowed and screwed and reformulated beautifully. You should probably recognise the foundations of most of the tracks used here, but they're given fresh life by Throwing Shade's breezy style.
Laura Cannell - Cathedral of The Marshes
Norfolk-based folk classical deconstructionist Laura Cannell is back with another album for Front & Follow. The last one was called Quick Sparrows Over The Black Earth, and this one is called Beneath Swooping Talons. Quite ominous really. The primal essence of nature and the rites of man come together here, between liturgical expression and the sound of wild animals. This track melds long-pulled bow with harsh electrical manipulation. There's another track to preview on the Bandcamp page.
Ixtab - Veils
The initial releases from thrhndrdsvntnn were quite slow and gloopy, but this bangs hard. Swirling white noise and chafing drum patterns. RUGGED.
baud podcast 07 eric cloutier
This is so chilled it sent me to sleep. No better recommendation really.
Stump Valley - Sunshine Hotel
This is really so good. Gurgling acid bass lines and floral 80s dancing keys. Amazing.
All the best. Have fun. Don't melt.